Tuesday, 2007 July 10th, 7 PM
Black Нead House
The European Union Chamber Orchestra
Director and soloist Eva Stegeman (violin, Holland)
Soloists - Libor Novacek, (piano, Czech Republic)
Anna Biggin, violin, UK
Program: Vivaldi, Mozart, Handel
Patron: HM Queen Sofia of Spain

The EUCO gave its first concerts in 1981 and has since gained a worldwide reputation as a musical ambassador for the European Union. Regular tours take it worldwide and performances have included those in the presence of Queen Noor of Jordan, the King and Queen of Belgium and its own Patron, Queen Sofia of Spain. In 1999 EUCO gave a concert to mark the 77th birthday of King Sihanouk of Cambodia in the Royal Palace at Phnom Penh and in 2000 performed for the birthday of Princess Galyani in Bangkok.
An annual schedule of some 60 concerts includes prestigious halls such as the Amsterdam Concertgebouw, Frankfurter Alte Oper, Brussels' Palais des Beaux Arts, Leeds Town Hall and Symphony Hall in Birmingham. The Orchestra’s regular European tours also include international festivals such as Flanders, Echternach, Bodensee, Mecklenburg Vorpommern, both Prague Spring and Autumn Festivals and Estonia’s Glasperlenspiel.
With assistance from the European Commission, EUCO tours regularly throughout South and South East Asia, North, South and Central America and the Middle East. 2003 included a sixth tour of Mexico with concerts for the prestigious Festival Cervantino and two concerts in Washington DC, one of which was recorded by NPR for national broadcast. In 2004, in addition to its European schedule, EUCO toured South America, including a concert in the prestigious Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires and for the fourth time to Sri Lanka and Thailand. In 2005 its tours took it again to Europe, Vietnam, Thailand, the United Arab Emirates, Malaysia and to West Africa for the first time. In 2006 EUCO toured in Germany, Spain, Ireland, Sweden, Latvia, Jordan, Belgium and Holland.
The Orchestra has performed with many legendary artists including Yehudi Menuhin, James Galway, Lazar Berman, Mischa Maisky, Severino Gazzeloni and Igor Oistrakh. It regularly commissions works from leading European composers and has to its credit 18 CDs on ASV, Carlton, Hyperion, Koch and Regent.
EUCO has received funds from the British Council, Goethe-Institut, the Ministry of Culture of Spain, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy and the Cultural Relations Committee of Ireland.
The European Union Chamber Orchestra Trust is a registered Charity.
The Orchestra performs with the support of the European Community budget line, “Support to organisations which promote European Culture”.
The concert was superb...the Orchestra’s response to the emotional demands of the work was testimony to their musicianship. Eastern Daily Press
Schon der Einstieg übertraf die hoch gesteckten Erwartungen. So frisch und lebendig wie an diesem Abend hört man Telemanns humorvolle Suite wahrlich nicht alle Tage. FRANKFURTER Allgemeine
Un groupe bien soudé, au son homogène mais toujours transparent, faisant montre de mutiples possibilités d'interprétations aussi originales que convaincantes. LUXEMBOURG Wort
Il concerto ha colpito tutti per la straordinaria capacità interpretativa e l’altissimo livello di esecuzione raggiunto dall’Orchestra. Corriere EMILIA ROMAGNA
Es que la jerarquia y la trayectoria de la agrupación se impuso desde la primera nota. La Estrella de ARICA |